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Acadia NeuroRehab - A Division of Success Rehabilitation
Success Rehabilitation has been CARF Accredited since 1990

Brain Injury Programs & Services

Acadia NeuroRehab's Home- and Community-Based Services focus on working together with the individual served to enhance their abilities and expand their potential to live, work and function as autonomously and independently as possible. Home and community-based services are person-centered, focusing on the individuals' desires, needs and personal goals. They promote a culture of autonomy, diversity and individual choice, in keeping with the preferences of the individual.

For individuals receiving services within our Residential Program, we provide a comprehensive Day Treatment Program each weekday that is tailored to meet their unique needs for group activities and individual therapies. For individuals who live in the larger community, we offer individualized Outpatient Treatment Programs daily that include individual therapies and selected therapeutic group activities.

Referral Sources 

Participants are usually referred to Acadia NeuroRehab (Acadia) through a service coordinator, hospital case manager, discharge planner, physician, psychologist, nurse case manager, or other healthcare or human service provider. Referrals also frequently come from family, schools or other state and local community providers. Self-referrals are also taken.

Referral Considerations

Individuals seeking services at Acadia are carefully assessed to determine whether or not enrollment is appropriate and, if so, what type of services will be most beneficial. Acadia is committed to providing services that are comprehensive in scope and flexible in delivery. These services are designed to meet the specific needs of each participant, and support their right to self-direct their involvement in the rehabilitation process. The emphasis on individualization and continuity of care enables individuals to move through the program at their own pace. The frequency, intensity and duration of programming will vary depending on the needs of the individual and availability of funding. The appropriate continuum of care is identified at the time of referral and continues throughout ACADIA's programming.

Click Here to make a referral or call (717) 394-3466 and ask for Sheree Cessna, Intake Coordinator/Case Manager, scessna@successrehab.com


Residential Home at Acadia NeuroRehab - Lancaster, PA

Residential Program
24 /7  - 365 Days / Year

Acadia's residential program operates 365 days a year in beautiful, well-maintained apartments and townhomes just a short distance from our Day Treatment clinic. The residences offer modern, well-equipped, and attractive living quarters with private bedrooms. Participants may decorate their living areas in keeping with their personal preferences to create a true sense of "home." They enjoy all the benefits of true community integration, including natural social opportunities with neighbors.

  • Our apartments or townhomes with 4 to 8 participants are licensed by the PA Dept. of Human Services as Personal Care Homes, in compliance with PA 2600 regulations. Our site supervisors are licensed as Personal Care Home Administrators. They ensure that the homes and services provided to residential participants comply with those regulations, and with CHC and OBRA Medicare Waiver requirements.

  • Our apartments with 3 or fewer residents are unlicensed, and conform to PA 2600 regulations and CHC and OBRA Medicare Waiver requirements per Acadia's policy. Most of our residential participants need long-term supports and services. We also accept participants to our residential program whose needs are expected to be short-term.

Client Expectations 

Participants in our Residential Program are expected to engage in 40 hours of structured activity outside of the residence each week, Monday – Friday. At least 24 of those hours must be therapeutic /rehabilitative in nature.


  • Residents may choose to participate in Acadia's Day Treatment program or they may choose another local provider of these services. Acadia does not provide Residential Programming to individuals who do not need or desire to participate in a neuro-rehabilitation day treatment program.


Clients in their residence at Acadia NeuroRehab in Lancaster, PA

Residential Services Continued...

Our residential Neuro-Rehabilitation Assistants are present to provide care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including awake overnight staffing. They encourage and support participants to exercise their autonomy and independence in making decisions about their daily activities. They understand each participant's limitations and capabilities and assist them according to their needs.

The focus of residential programming is on health and wellness, and the enhancement of daily living skills in the home, including:

  •  Daily personal hygiene routines

  •  Healthy meal planning and preparation; dining in restaurants

  •  Budgeting and shopping

  •  Laundry and other household cleaning tasks

  •  Social and recreational activities in home and in community

  •  Opportunities for religious activities

  •  Building and maintaining healthy relationships

NeuroCognitive Day Program
Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Our Day Treatment Clinic is located within the Greenfield Park in Lancaster, close to our residential facilities. Here we offer a variety of individual and group-based therapeutic services to meet each participant's individual needs. We use a transdisciplinary, team-based model of intervention to address our participants' physical, emotional, communication and behavioral needs.


Acadia's Day Treatment program typically operates Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm. Our staff work with the individual's strengths to address the areas for improvement identified during initial and ongoing evaluations.


A sample of our specialized therapies include:

  •  Structured Day group activities

  •  Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy

  •  Counseling and Behavior Management

  •  Occupational and Physical therapy

  •  1:1 assistance for those who require a more intensive level of support to be able to participate effectively in our structured day activities.

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Structured Day Group Activites

Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy

Structured day group activities focus on the application of a variety of skills in everyday environments. They are delivered in our clinic as well as in other community venues, including shopping malls, grocery stores, churches, restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, and parks. Activities include opportunities for exercise; creative expression in arts and crafts, music, acting; spirituality; cooking; learning about local, national and worldly current events, computer skills, relaxation skills and many others.

Our cognitive rehabilitation therapists and our neuro-rehabilitation assistants provide group activities and 1:1 direct care to participants as needed. They are trained to understand and work effectively with behaviors associated with brain injury, autism and other neurological or neurodevelopmental disorders.

Individual cognitive rehabilitation therapy addresses problems with attention, memory, new learning, social skills, communication skills and every day problem-solving. Our cognitive rehabilitation therapists are Bachelor's and Master's level clinicians, many of whom have earned the Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS) credential. They work with individual participants to help them strengthen their cognitive skills and to use compensatory strategies to address cognitive challenges.

Cognitive rehabilitation includes counseling to strengthen awareness of and adjustment to disability, motivation for rehabilitation, and healthy functioning within interpersonal relationships. It also addresses the need for behavioral change to engage more effectively with others and participate actively within the community. If the participant hopes to return to the competitive work environment, cognitive rehabilitation therapy can focus on pre-vocational skills, social skills and time management skills needed for success on the job. We also support participants who want to volunteer within the community.

Occupational and Physical Therapies

Our occupational and physical therapists have extensive training and experience in working with adults with post-acute brain injury.

If a participant has a physician's script for Occupational Therapy, this service can be provided at Acadia. Occupational therapists are licensed professionals that focus on what the participant wants and needs to do in daily life. Occupational therapy intervention uses everyday life activities to promote health, well-being, and the ability to participate in the important activities in a participant's life. They assess the need for adaptive equipment and help to ensure that the participant can use it effectively. They make recommendations for fall prevention and home safety.

If a participant has a physician's script for Physical Therapy, this service can also be provided at Acadia. Physical therapists are licensed professionals that help the participant regain movement and improve physical endurance after brain injury or other injury. They use interventions to help improve strength, flexibility, and mobility, to help relearn motor movements needed for everyday tasks, improve balance and coordination. They make recommendations for exercises to be done outside of the physical therapy session.

In addition to our other therapeutic services, we offer:

  • Internal Case Management Our Case Management team effectively coordinates services received at Acadia and serves as a liaison to external providers working with the people we serve. They facilitate person-centered, team-based discussions of individuals' progress toward treatment goals and communicate regularly with participants and their family members.

  •  Client Health and Wellness Department - Our Client Health and Wellness team oversees the administration of prescribed medications, and coordinates routine and emergency care with our clients' medical providers in the community.

Referral & Admission 

Referrals for our programs frequently come from family, other rehabilitation programs and service coordination entities. If you wish to refer someone or refer yourself, please click on the link to our Referral Form.

Individuals seeking services at Acadia are carefully assessed to determine whether enrollment is appropriate and, if so, what type of services will be most helpful. The frequency, intensity and duration of programming will vary depending on the needs of the participant and availability of funding.

Admission Criteria

An individual seeking admission to Acadia must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age, or older if required by their funding source.

  • Have a diagnosis of a post-acute brain injury or a neuropsychological/neurodevelopmental disorder that affects physical, cognitive, behavioral, social and/or vocational functioning.

  • Be medically stabile, without need for on-going skilled nursing care.

  • Be psychiatrically stable.

  • Have no significantly maladaptive or disruptive behavior that would interfere with program participation or that could be disruptive to the care of others in the program.

  • Be willing to abstain from the use of alcohol, recreational drugs and illegal substances while receiving services.

  • Be willing to participate and ability to benefit from community-integrated programming.

  • Not be at current risk of elopement.

Click Here to make a referral or call (717) 394-3466 and ask for Sheree Cessna, Intake Coordinator/Case Manager, scessna@successrehab.com

Collaboration with Families

The rehabilitation journey can be complicated, and collaboration with families and significant others promotes the best outcomes. Acadia's leadership and staff understand the importance of listening to and learning from the people who are close to the individuals we serve. If a participant chooses, their family and significant others are included in the treatment team from the start, providing input for goal development and assistance is assessing progress.

A collaborative approach to treatment might include the development of behavior support plans to support positive interactions at Acadia, at home, and in the community. In keeping with the participant's desire to share information, families and significant others receive progress reports at team meetings and have ready access to the participant's case manager whenever there are concerns or ideas to share. They are welcome visitors at our residential facilities; visits during day treatment hours can also be arranged.

Acadia understands that families and significant others are presented with unique challenges in adapting to the changes that brain injury or other neurological conditions can bring to family life. Throughout the duration of care, Acadia can provide information and education to families to help them anticipate, accept, and manage these challenges.

For anyone with a brain injury or living with someone with a brain injury, we extend an invitation to participate virtually in our Brain Injury Support Group, offered on the first Thursday evening of each month. In addition to providing emotional support, Acadia works to connect families and significant others to resources within the community to address the medical, financial, and social implications of brain injury and other neurological conditions.


Contact us for more information.

Contact Acadia NeuroRehab

P: (717) 394-3466
F: (717) 394-1252
E: info@acadiarehab.com


1813 Olde Homestead Lane,

Suite 105
Lancaster, PA 17601

Make A Referral

P: (717) 394-3466 and ask for Sheree Cessna, Intake Coordinator/Case Manager, scessna@successrehab.com

Success Rehabilitation has been CARF Accredited since 1990
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