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Post-Acute Outcome Measurements

At Success Rehabilitation, use the Mayo Portland Adaptability Inventory (MPAI-4) to measure functional outcomes, evaluate the effectiveness of our clients’ rehabilitation programs, and to better understand the long-term needs of those with an acquired brain injury. The MPAI-4 is the industry standard used by post-acute brain injury providers and is used to meet the CARF standard for effectiveness and measurement of outcomes:

  • Ability (i.e. physical and cognitive skills such as memory and communication)

  • Adjustment (i.e. anxiety, depression, irritability, and self-awareness)

  • Participation (i.e. social interaction, initiation of activity, self-care, leisure activities)

MPAI-4 Admission & Discharge T Scores 

Key Finding, 2022: Overall totals across all categories showed improvement with MPAI scores upon discharge as the scores decreased from a total of 53.389 at admission to 50.545 at discharge. With the return to in-person programming and the ability to re-enter the community on varying levels, improvement in abilities, adjustment, and participation was noted in those who were discharged from the program. 


Key Finding, 2021: Overall totals across all categories showed improvement with MPAI scores upon discharge as the scores decreased from a total of 51.389 at admission to 55.364 at discharge. The changes within programming due to COVID impacted the individuals at Success Rehabilitation in overall abilities, adjustment, and participation.



Key Finding, 2020: Overall totals across all categories showed improvement with MPAI scores upon discharge as the scores decreased from a total of 52.667 at admission to 45.000 at discharge. 

T-Scores > 60 = Severe Brain Injury

T-Scores 50 - 60 = Moderate to Severe Brain Injury

T-Scores 40 - 49 = Mild to Moderate Brain Injury

Outcome Measurements
Outcome Measurements
Outcome Measurements

Satisfaction Survey

2022 – Survey was based on a 5-point Likert Scale, the average overall satisfaction rate was 4.2.

The data from our 2022 satisfaction surveys depicted overall findings of satisfaction in the programs and services provided by Success Rehabilitation. Potential Raw Ratings ranged from Strong Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), and Strongly Agree (5). Overall averages between four and five that Success Rehabilitation continues to provide services of high quality and our services are valued by those individuals who participated in our 2022 survey.


" This is the first rehabilitation experience I've had where I feel like I'm seen as a person. I deeply appreciate the care and knowledge here. "

Client / Success Rehabilitation

" The staff is excellent. As problems are identified, they get addressed right away. Everyone on the staff is a good listener. The work is consistent with getting to the end goal."

Client  / Success Rehabilitation

“Success has been really great for me personally. It saved my life and gave me hope for the future and an opportunity to be proud of my achievements. Glad I'm here.”

Client  / Success Rehabilitation

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