What Is Veteran Services Program (VSP) at Success Rehabilitation?
The Veteran Services Program (VSP) at Success Rehabilitation is a comprehensive rehabilitation program that focuses on assessment and treatment for military service members and first responders who are experiencing symptoms due to having a primary diagnosis of mild to severe brain injury, or concussion.
Success offers residential, neurorehabilitation outpatient, and home- and community-based services to veterans and first responders who meet the following criteria:
Have a primary diagnosis of a traumatic brain injury or concussion.
Make a commitment to our rehabilitation program.
Have approval from the assessment team.
Have approved funding for services
We work collaboratively to assist VSP clients as they seek greater independence in their homes and communities. Treatment services are individualized and we provide functional support to help develop and maintain skills to increase independence and offer:
Flexible programming options
Collaborative care
Transition support
Community reintegration

Veteran Services Program (VSP) can help you if you're are experiencing symptoms of or have a diagnosis of:
Mild to severe traumatic brain injury AND one of the following:
Concussions/head trauma
Secondary psychological or behavioral health concerns, including post-traumatic stress (PTSD)
VSP's Certified Brain Injury Specialists (CBIS) have experience working with military service members and offer the following services as determined by the assessment team:
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech/Language Pathology
Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy
Recreational Therapy
Case Management
Nursing Services
Psychology & Counseling Service
Counseling for those in recovery for substance abuse.
Art & Music Therapy Equine-assisted therapy and more...
Are you currently in an emotional crisis or concerned about someone who is?
While those at Success Rehabilitation work to serve our veterans, we do not have a call center to address immediate crisis help.
If you need immediate attention, call: 1-800-273-8255 and press 1 ; call #211; Text 838255; or online Chat (follow the link). Home (veteranscrisisline.net)